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Cave Law is accepting applications from individuals who are interested in participating as jurors in a Mock Trial that will be held virtually on March 4, 2024 from 1:30pm-5:30pm MST. Those individuals who have participated in one of our focus groups since July of 2023 are not eligible to participate in this mock trial. This event will be held via Zoom.
Each selected participant will need a webcam, microphone, attend via an isolated static location, participate in a Zoom call to test equipment on March 1, 2024 at 12:00 pm MST (no exceptions), and a Venmo profile. There will be no exceptions to these guidelines.
PARTICIPANTS WILL BE PAID $20.00 PER HOUR AT THE END OF THE EVENT VIA VENMO. This event is scheduled to last 4 hours but may end earlier.
Once you submit your RSVP, you will receive an email on or before February 25th with additional instructions. RSVPs will close for this event on Sunday, February 25th. This RSVP is not a guarantee you will be selected to participate in the mock trial.
Those who are selected to participate will receive a confirmation email no later than February 26th and will be required to execute a confidentiality agreement. No phone calls or emails please.