What Should You Do If You Were Injured in a Hit-and-Run?

Nobody ever expects to be involved in a car accident. However, sadly they happen every day across our country. What can make this already terrifying situation even worse, is if the at-fault party drove off after this accident. If you have been left behind to deal with the devastating physical and financial consequences that result on your own you may have been the victim of a hit-and-run.

However, if the other driver sped away before you could get their information, it does not mean all hope is lost when it comes to pursuing damages for the injuries and losses you sustained. To better help explain what you should do after a hit-and-run accident, we have prepared the following blog post. In it, we will discuss the steps you should take after this crash and how an experienced hit-and-run accident attorney can help you fight for the justice you deserve. 

1. Contact the Authorities

The first thing you should do after a hit-and-run accident is call 911. This is the fastest way to alert the police and medical personnel of the accident. In addition, it is also the quickest way to get the accident on record which is important if and when you decide to file a claim. Once the police arrive, they can take down your statement regarding what happened, investigate the crash, and indicate in their report that the other driver fled the scene. If you decide to pursue legal action after this accident, this police report can serve as valuable evidence. 

2. Gather Evidence From the Scene

If it is safe for you to do so and you do not require emergency medical treatment, you should try to gather as much evidence from the scene as possible. This evidence should include photos of your vehicle, its placement on the road, your visible injuries, the weather conditions at the time of the accident, traffic signals near the area, skid marks on the street, and any other evidence that can help show what happened. 

3. Talk to Witnesses

If there were people who saw the accident, try to get their names and contact details. These individuals can often provide you and your lawyer with further details regarding what happened. They may be able to help back up your claim if necessary in the future. This is especially important if the other motorist drove off after your accident. 

4. See a Doctor

Even if your injuries appear minor, you should still see a doctor immediately after the accident. Symptoms of serious injuries such as brain trauma can take some time to manifest. The longer you wait to seek medical help, the worse the injury can become. 

Additionally, getting this prompt medical treatment can also help your claim, as these doctors will often create a medical report detailing your injuries. As a result, this report can serve as evidence directly linking your hit-and-run accident to the injuries you sustained. 

5. Contact an Experienced Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney Today

Dealing with a car accident is already a stressful ordeal. Dealing with a hit-and-run accident can make the whole situation that much more unbearable. Thankfully, with an experienced hit-and-run accident attorney on your side, you do not have to take on this challenging legal battle alone. Instead, you can leave this fight to the attorneys while you focus on what matters most— your healing and recovery.

Once you retain these lawyers, they can:

  • Assess your legal claim, determine if you have a viable legal case, and figure out the legal options you should pursue.
  • Investigate your accident and secure the evidence needed to prove fault and damages. 
  • Ensure that legal motions are filed before time runs out.
  • Handle all the negotiations and discussions with the insurance company and fight for the money you need after a hit-and-run crash.

For these reasons, if you were injured in a hit-and-run accident, do not wait any longer to get the legal help you need. Instead, contact an experienced hit-and-run accident attorney today for a free case evaluation and find out how these lawyers can help you. 

