Motorcycle Accident Prevention — What You Need to Know

There is nothing more satisfying than hitting the open road and enjoying a day out on the bike. Unfortunately, riding a motorcycle is not without its risks. In fact, every year, approximately 5,000 people die because of these devastating collisions, and motorcyclists are nearly 29 times more likely than passenger motor vehicle occupants to die in a crash per vehicle miles traveled.

For these reasons, before you head out on your next ride, it is important to do everything you can to keep yourself and other individuals on the road safe.

Wear the Appropriate Gear and Helmet

Statistics show that wearing an approved DOT helmet can significantly increase your chance of surviving a motorcycle accident. This helmet should fit comfortably on your head and not impair your vision or hearing. However, it should not be too loose. Most of the high-quality helmets are made of a plastic blend or fiberglass, which makes them more able to absorb the impact after a crash than other less expensive helmets.

In addition, to wearing the right helmet, motorcyclists should also wear:

  • Protective eyewear
  • Long pants and sleeves made of leather or another type of thick, protective material
  • Gloves
  • Bright colors and add reflective elements to the clothing and bike
  • Durable boots that will cover the ankles.

Plus, if the temperatures are getting cooler, it is also a good idea to invest in thicker gear that can help you deal with the temperatures.

Pay Close Attention to the Weather Before Heading Out

Although riding a motorcycle in poor weather conditions is possible, it does not mean that bikers should. Inclement weather such as rain, hail, or snow can make the roads incredibly dangerous for motorcyclists to ride on.

In these conditions, the bike can become prone to sliding, hydroplaning, or spinning out, leading to devastating and deadly collisions. For these reasons, it is always important to check the weather and temperatures before heading out on the bike.

Watch Out For Other Motorists At Intersections

One of the best ways to prevent a motorcycle accident is to be careful when going through an intersection, even if it does not seem busy. This is because one of the most predominant causes of motorcycle accidents is the failure of other motorists to detect and recognize a motorcyclist in traffic. This becomes a significant issue at intersections when cars are turning and may not be paying close enough attention to see if a motorcyclist is approaching.

As a result, when you are coming up to an intersection, even if you have the right of way or the other car has a red light, you still need to ensure no vehicles are approaching. You should also be especially cautious if any motor vehicles are attempting to make a left-hand turn and be ready to react if they end up turning in front of you.

Get the Legal Help You Need Following a Motorcycle Accident

Unfortunately, sometimes no matter how many precautions you take or how safely you drive, motorcycle collisions still occur. If this happens and your accident was due to another person’s wrongful actions, you should reach out to an experienced motorcycle accident attorney, such as those at Cave Law, as soon as possible.

Our legal team can not only help you figure out the cause of your accident and whether you have a viable legal claim, but we can also assist you as you pursue maximum damages. That is why do not wait any longer to secure the legal assistance you need. Instead, contact Cave Law today for a free case consultation.


